
The following links allow you to download the relevant electronic versions of the school’s policies.

Attendance Policy – Autumn 2024

Acceptable Contact Policy – Spring 2023

Accessibility Plan – Spring 2024

Admissions Policy – Autumn 2023

Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs Policy – Summer 2022

Anti-Bullying Policy – Autumn 2023

Behaviour Policy – Autumn 2023

Complaints Policy – Autumn 2023

COVID-19 Risk Assessment for a Full Return to School – January 2022

COVID-19 Risk Assessment – January 2022

Curriculum Policy – Summer 2022

Dance and Drama Award Funding Policy – Autumn 2023

Data Protection Policy – Spring 2022

Digital Learning Guidelines

Distance Learning Agreement – Spring 2021

Eating Disorder Policy – Autumn 2023

ECT Policy – Spring 2023

Educational Visits Policy – Spring 2024

Equal Opportunities Policy – Summer 2022

Equality Diversity & Inclusion Policy – Summer 2021

Equal Rights Policy – Summer 2022

First Aid Policy – Summer 2021

Funding Information – Autumn 2023

Governance – Spring 2024

Health and Safety Policy – Autumn 2023

Information About Tring Park School Remote Education – January 2021

Learning Support – Summer 2022

Music and Dance Scheme Funding Policy – Autumn 2023

Missing Child Policy – Autumn 2024

Online Safety IT and Acceptable Use Policy – Summer 2023

​Physical Activity Guidelines

PSHE, RSE, SMSC Policy – Autumn 2023

Privacy Notice for Pupils and Parents – Spring 2023

Privacy Notice for Staff and Governors – Spring 2023

Recruitment of Ex-Offenders – Autumn 2022

Relationships Between Pupils – Summer 2022

Safeguarding Policy – Autumn 2023

Risk Assessment Policy – Summer 2021

Staff Code of Conduct – Autumn 2022

Staff Privacy Notice – May 2022

Study Leave and Post-Examination Policy – Summer 2020

Travel Policy – 2023

Use of Reasonable Force and Physical Restraint Policy – Autumn 2023


Independent Schools Incorporate

2022 Material Changes Inspection

Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report – September 2021

Short Visit: Report for a Progress Monitoring Visit – May 2019

Short Visit: Report for an Additional Inspection – September 2018

Educational Quality Inspection Report – April 2017

ISI Focused Compliance Inspection Report – April 2017


Ofsted Dance Inspection Report – November 2015


Growth Mindset Report – October 2018


The Independent Schools Inspectorate regulations state in paragraph 32 (3) (f) that all schools must publish the number of formal complaints received during the previous academic year. In the academic year 2020/21 we had no formal complaints.


FAQs Regarding Additional Inspections

Find Out More

Anselm Barker | Deputy Principal & Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

If you have any questions about the safeguarding of pupils at Tring Park please get in touch.